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10 Things to do When You're Bored

10 Things to do When You’re Bored

  1. Beading - I mentioned in stories a few weeks back that I started a new hobby. It has been something that I have had everything in and out of my Amazon cart for about 6 months before I finally decided to do it! Its so fun to not have any rules and get to make something! There are so many sizes and shapes of the beads. Its actually really relaxing as well. I am able to turn on a movie or a show and bead! I linked everything that I need here!

  2. Pigment Coloring App - This is really only an idea if you have an iPad or some type of tablet but I love this app so much. There is a paid version but I just use the free coloring pages {there are tons and more are being added all the time!}. For me its calming because I am so focused on the coloring that my brain isn’t thinking about 100 other things. Its actually something that turns my brain off.

  3. Take a drive - My mom keeps texting me and saying “Go eat lunch in Vermont!”. We live like an hour from Vermont and she thinks it will be like the perfect afternoon activity. I know not everyone lives super close to a different state but really what I mean is go for a long drive with a stop at the end. You could easily choose a park that is like an hour away and take a packed lunch and eat in your car! Just for a change of scenery!

  4. Take an online course! There are so many businesses and companies that are offering free classes right now. I will link a couple below!

    1. Nikon is offering free Photography classes in April! Link is here.

    2. Duolingo has free language lessons! Find those here.

    3. iTunes U has SO many free classes to take! There were a ton that looked interesting about Earth Month! I linked where you can find those here.

  5. Join a book club! Facebook has so many good options. Here are the two that I am currently in! Caila’s Corner and we are reading “The Two Lives of Lydia Bird” and Lynzy & Co, we are reading “Love Does”. I love being a part of these two because it gives me an assignment and a sense of community with the group!

  6. A classic puzzle - This is something that I like to do that is not a sit down and complete until its done. I like to open a puzzle and work on it as I please until its complete. It might be a couple of hours, it might be a couple of days. It just depends! I linked to a ton of puzzles in this blog post here.

  7. Learn a new skill! YouTube is a great resource for this! You can pick up so many new skills from youtube all for free I might add. Here is a list of some of the ones I could think of!

    • origami

    • Beading

    • Knitting

    • Making Soap

    • Kickboxing

    • Starting a bullet journal

    • Calligraphy

  8. Work on a goal - Playing off of the last idea, make a goal for something small that you have always wanted to do. Here are some examples: work on your handstands or being able to do the splits.. Play with eyeshadow {I am hopeless with eyeshadow lol}, perfect the winged liner look! Learn to curl you're hard.. another thing I realllllly can’t do lol

  9. Cook something - You could do the “At Home Chopped Challenge that I talked about in this blog post here. Learn how to make something that you had one one of your favorite vacations.. {Pasta from Italy, tatziki from Greece, copycat recipes from Disney World! Disney Hungry has a ton of good copycat Disney Recipes!} They don’t all have to be desserts! You can make so many fun things! Get creative!

  10. Start that crazy long movie series! I love watching movies like Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings that you can really get into the characters and watch them grow. There are so many movie series’ to binge.. I made a list!

    • Harry Potter

    • Lord of the Rings

    • The Hobbit

    • Star Wars

    • Jurassic Park

    • Pirates of the Caribbean

    • Avengers

    • Any combination of Marvel movie sets {Iron Man, Captain America, Spiderman, Thor, Guardians of the Galaxy, Ant Man}

    • Star Trek

    • Divergent Trilogy

    • Fantastic Beasts

    • Pitch Perfect

    • Transformers

    • Twilight

    • X-men

  11. Watch the Disney Nature documentaries on Disney+! I loved Penguins, Elephant, and Dolphin Reef! Seriously so cute and you fall in love with the little animal families in each of them for sure.

  12. Animal Crossing - If you have a Nintendo Switch this game is so much fun. Also if you want to be friends, let’s do it! I’m not even sure how to do that lol but I will figure it out.

This is defiantly one of those blog posts that I will add to as I think of more things! I see new ideas all over the place every day! I know that this time has been really hard on all of us but I will say that I think the creativeness from people has been amazing! So many amazing ideas have come from this all. If you can think of something comment below and I will add it to the list!