Taryn into Travel

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5 Tips to Get Your Guest Room Ready for Guests

At this point, it feels like each blog post I start, I say something along the lines that Dustin and I love to host people. We love having people over, entertaining, feeding people and enjoying their company. Two weekends ago we had my sister and her boyfriend come stay with us for a few days and it was a blast! This past weekend, Dustin’s friend came into town for a few days. Now, this weekend we have more family coming into town!

Living halfway across the country isn’t always great for when you are wanting to grab dinner with your parents but the plus side of this is that when you do get to see your friends and family, it is special! Its uninterrupted time with the people you care about. Now I am just rambling but the point of my ramble is that when I have people coming to visit, I want things to be prepared and ready for them to get here so that when they are here we get to just enjoy the time!

Today I am sharing 5 ways to get your guest bedroom and really your whole apartment or house ready to have those guests there.

  1. I like to make sure that I have things on hand that our guests will probably need but might have forgotten. For example I buy things like extra toothbrushes, contact solution, makeup remover/wipes, lotion, razors, dry shampoo and hairspray. There are some other things that I keep in the bathroom rather than the guest room like Advil, Tylenol, Tums, tampons/pads and other things that they might not have or forgot but also depending on the guest, they may not want to ask for!

  2. A laundry basket for dirty towels and clothes, if they are staying for awhile they might want to do a load of laundry! A table of sorts so they can put their suitcase on something and not bend over all the time to dig around in their luggage, we have our old tv stand in the guest bedroom and it works perfectly. Lastly, a spot to hang things! We just give our guests access to the closet in the guest bedroom to hang things if they need.

  3. Fresh towels and linens! I think the day that I became a true adult was the day that we officially had two sets of sheets for our bed and the guest bed{full transparency that we literally just got extra sets of sheets a week ago…. sooooooo yeah}. I LOVE the feeling of getting into a fresh, clean bed but I HATE having our bed unmade all day long while the sheets get washed. I know this is nothing new but I had a serious AHA moment when I started just swapping them when I took them off the bed. Especially with having guests back to back to back, having a change of sheets made it so much easier!

  4. Have things on hand that they like! For example, my sister and her boyfriend both drink Dr. Pepper, I made sure to have that on hand for them to have while they are here. Another thing to pay attention to is is they have any allergies! My sister is allergic to dairy and we made sure that she could eat each meal.

  5. Having a cozy and homey space for them to escape! When we are traveling or visiting family I love being able to have a spot in the place I am visiting to sit in silence for a minute.. probably the introvert in me talking but sometimes a girl just needs a nap or to sit by myself. Even if your guests are sleeping on the couch, being aware that you should give them time to recharge. I think that art makes a space feel more warm and inviting, not to mention interesting! It can be a great conversation starter. I love the art that is in our guest bedroom, I will link to the seller here! The pieces are amazing, I seem to find something new in the art every time I look at them.

I hope you guys found these helpful and will make your lives easier as well. I will leave you with two things.. Having an extra set of sheets will make your life easier. Number 2, having all of those extra things on hand for your guest could/will come in handy when you run out of toothpaste one morning and realize that you have an extra tube in the guest bathroom!