Taryn into Travel

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Sephora Mascara Review

If you’ve been around for the last month you know that I have been testing what feels like 100 mascaras. Really it was only twelve but I wanted to use each one at least two times to make sure I knew the feel and my true thoughts on each of them! Without further ado, here is my thoughts.. they are all ranked from my least favorite to my favorite! I also want to mention that these are all ranked based on my preference on wand shape, how much product there was on the wand, how long it took me to achieve the look I wanted {or if I could achieve the look I wanted} as well as if it was flakey throughout the day. Another side note, taking selfies is probably my least favorite thing. Taking these photos was took more time than I would like to admit lol there is something about someone taking your picture or even using the tripod that I appreciate SO much more now.

I had so much fun reviewing these for you guys! Up next will be a dry shampoo review that is happening right now during February so if you have any favorites for that let me know and I can definitely add them to the list to try! As always if you have any questions or feedback for me, I am more than happy to help or to answer those questions!