Taryn into Travel

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Sunglasses for Spring and Summer

I have the most love love love hate relationship with sunglasses. I absolutely love the look of them! I love that when I wear them to the pool, I don’t have to wear makeup at all! Lastly, I love buying them! The thing that I hate about them is that I don’t have contacts and I am blind without my glasses. So for me sunglasses are a summer thing that I get to wear by the pool! I think its that they are just affordable enough {like in the $12-$18 range} that makes them like any brainer for me to buy. Not only that but I get to try styles of glasses that I normally wouldn’t! But all in all I truly do love them, I just wish I could wear them more often!

I have one pair of sunglasses that are on the pricier side and I have had them for two years! We bought them at a Ray Ban shop in the Mexico airport. It was one of those moments where you like black out and all of the sudden you’re buzzed on a couple of beers from lunch at the airport and the next thing you know you and your husband are trying on sunglasses. We both left with a pair of sunglasses that day and we still have them and we both love them! I will link his as well at the end! I always wear these when I am laying by the pool but when I go to the beach I take cheap sunglasses because drinks + ocean = the chance of losing your sunglasses in the water!

Anyways! I will quit rambling and story telling and share with you the ones I like! Most of these are from Amazon but a couple of pairs are Target! I like to watch Target for sunglasses sales because I feel like starting now through the whole summer they have sales on them all the time!

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | Dustin’s Raybans |