Taryn into Travel

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The Next Chapter: We Bought a House!

We bought a house! If you follow me on Instagram or get my emails you already know this. I thought it would be fun to talk about the last few months to let you guys know what has been going on behind the scenes. But let me give you a little back story! About a year and a half ago in October we decided that we wanted to move to Florida. We love Disney and visit as often as we can and every time we are there we just feel happy. In Orlando in general, not just Disney! We are so excited for warm weather year round, space and being in our happy place! For those of you who don’t know, we got married in Disney Springs in Florida.

We went back and forth for a year on if we would move down there and rent or if we would move down and buy a house. We were finally set on buying a house but then the coronavirus started. We weren't able to travel and flying there wasn’t an option anymore. We had plans to travel down in July {2020} to see houses. Our Boston lease wasn’t up until October so we hadn’t planned on leaving until then. But SO much changed. With everything happening and being stuck in the apartment one of our main things was that if this {quarantine} happened again in the fall or in the future that we wanted to be in a house.

Lucky Dustin had a coworker who had just moved within Florida and we were able to get set up with his realtor! He truly made this process a breeze for us. He has worked so hard to help us find the right place for Dustin and I and went above and beyond our expectations with helping us from afar. Doing this all remotely was what made us the most nervous but he made our lives easy! I talk to my mom a lot, like twice a day at least and I feel like there was about a month period of time where we talked to him more lol. If you need a realtor in the Orlando area let me know and I will give you his information!

The hard part was when we started finding the houses that we liked. There was a period of time where we would find a house {like 3 IN A ROW} and before our realtor could go see it {i’m talking like the next day} the house would already be under contract. It was really frustrating and we felt helpless being so far away. Not that I think we could have done anything but we just had that feeling. Then the very next day from when our top 3 choices went off the market we found it. This house. The one we are buying. In this instance it 10000% felt like everything happened for a reason and everything just sort of made sense. We found the house and the next day our realtor went to show it to us on video and we put in an offer that night.

Our house had been “sold” or under contract two times before we bought it! Perfect timing! After we put the offer in on the house things started moving pretty quickly. We put in offer in on May 17th and she accepted it. Three days later Dustin was on a plane down to Florida for inspection. This was the one part that we really needed to be there for. We both wanted to go so badly but it wasn’t necessary and we didn’t want both of us to be out and about flying when we didn’t both need to do that. Everything went well with the inspection and Dustin came home two days later. After that its been a waiting game of us waiting to move. We have 28 days and we can’t wait!

I can’t wait to take you through the house and start with completing rooms! Our plan is to do room by room so it will be easy for me to share with you guys. I would love to answer any questions that you have! I have talked to so many of you on instagram that live there or wanted to know more and I love sharing with you guys! Let me know if you have any questions either in the comments or you can email me at tarynintotravel@gmail.com.