My Favorite Christmas Movies


I’ve wanted to write a blog post like this for a long time and its really not all that much writing, just finding the cutest Christmas sweatshirts on Etsy and then also making a list of my favorite Christmas movies. This year was finally the year that I did it! Right below this is all of the cutest sweatshirts on Etsy and then below that is a sharable graphic of my favorite Christmas movies! Did you know that I watch How the Grinch Stole Christmas like an abnormal amount of times and throughout the entire year? I’m not joking, its on about 3-4 times a week here at our house!

MY FAVORITE CHRISTMAS MOVIES LIST | Etsy Christmas Sweatshirts | My Favorite Christmas Movies | Etsy Gifts | Gifts for Movie Lover | Comfy Girl Gift | Christmas Movie Faves


Father's Day Gift Guide 2021

Fathers Day… Whatttttt?! I can’t believe it! It feels like Mother’s Day was 5 seconds ago! I rounded up some of the things that I have either given to my husband or dad or Father in law that they have loved. Let’s go over a few of those things. The first on his the wireless phone chargers, we have them all over our house and they are so much easier than normal chargers because you can just set them on there. The kits like the Soft Pretzel and Beer Cheese and the Hot Sauce Kit are things that any foodie dad would love. Dustin loves drones, we have a GoPro one but he chose this one to share with you guys. Its the perfect starter drone. I know mine loves to cook! There is pretty much something for everyone here, check it out below!


Have you guys given any of these things on the list?! I would love to know your thoughts on them! You can leave a comment below or send me an email at and I will get back to you! I am really excited about some of the content that is coming up and I hope you guys are, too! Also remember, anytime you have a blog post that you want done just ask and I will make sure that it gets put on the content calendar!

Mother's Day Gift Guide for 2021

In TWO days it will be MAY??? I can’t even believe that! We are just under two weeks out from Mother’s Day and I am going to be on top of it this year. We already got our cards and they are going in the mail ASAP lol. I feel like usually I remember a few days before and then SCRAMBLE to figure out what I am going to do and then end us doing something really last minute! When I was putting together this collage I was thinking to myself that these items feel kind of random but these are things that my mom or my mother in law already have and love!

| Mug and Spoon Set | Kingdom Voyage Pencil Case | Blossom Printed Planters | Mama Necklace | Drunk Elephant TLC Babyfacial | Bath Tray | Braided Sandals | Airfryer | Sipsby Tea Subscription | Clementine Pajama Set | Capri Blue Volcano Candle | Of Women and Salt Book | Yellow Slim BruMate | | 2021 Mothers Day Gift Guide | Gifts for Mom | Mother gifts.jpg

I would love to know if you have any of these items and love them! One thing about my website and about me is if I find something good, I usually stick with it and then tell everyone I know about it lol and make sure that they try it for themselves! I really try not to switch products a ton unless there is another reason for something new! If you have any questions I would be more than happy to answer those for you! Feel free to comment below or send me an email at!

Almay Lipstick Roundup

Back in the beginning of March I posted a photo of all of the lip sticks that I had collected over the weekend from different stores and one of them was my first Almay lip vibes lipsticks. Basically that is where the obsession started and it has only grown since then! I have 6 and love each of them! UPDATE: I grabbed two more from Walmart when I was in Iowa last week. So now I have 8 total but this post was written and photos were taken before I went to Iowa. There are so many good colors and they really are such great neutrals. But on the other hand they do have really great pops of color for different times of the year. I grabbed a really pretty pop of pink “Live Happy”. I will say that I don’t love these for how long they last, they aren’t meant to stay on all day. But I do love that as they fade, its a natural fade and not in certain places on your lips. Sometimes lipsticks leave a weird line on your lips and these don’t do that! They are creamy and glide right on but then stay in place well enough to put a gloss over them if I want!

| Live Happy | Worry Less | Never Regret | Sleep Later | Skip the Gym | Go Wild | Call Out {not pictured} | Be Strong {not pictured} | | Almay Lipsticks | Almay Lipvibes | Neutrals | Pops of color | Get them at Walmart or Target | Summer fun | Lots of color

I have been able to find them at Target and Walmart! They are less than $5 and if you are anything like me they are a bit addicting to buy lol I love that each shade is so different yet so versatile! The one I always gravitate towards is Sleep Later or Go Wild! Which shade is your favorite?? I would love to know! Leave a comment below or you can email me at! | Almay Lipsticks | Almay Lipvibes | Neutrals | Pops of color | Get them at Walmart or Target | Summer fun | Lots of color | Almay Lipsticks | Almay Lipvibes | Neutrals | Pops of color | Get them at Walmart or Target | Summer fun | Lots of color

Traveling with Different Airlines During Covid | Traveling | Traveling During Covid | Airline comparison | Weekender bags | weekend luggage

First things first I never in my life thought I would be writing a post about this but here we are. 2020 man, its so weird! Anyways, both Dustin and I have had to fly during quarantine and we both had completely different experiences with two different airlines so I just wanted to share those with you.

Back at the beginning of May Dustin had to fly to Florida and then at the beginning of June needed to fly to Iowa and both times he took Southwest. He said that it was great! There was nobody sitting in the middle seats unless there was a family. And he felt far enough away from the people around him and that the plane felt really clean. There wasn’t any snack or beverage service on his flight but that was to be expected! One other thing that Dustin really liked about Southwest was that they boarded 10 people at a time. It helped to spread people out and have a bit more distance between people.

On the other hand, when I needed to go to Iowa over this past weekend I flew American Airlines and every single seat was full on both of my flights. We were literally packed in like sardines. I don’t know if I was so aware Of how close people were from being in quarantine so long or if that is how it always is but I wasn’t a fan. Other than that my flight felt clean and like it had just been cleaned. There wasn’t any snack or beverage service on my flight either just like Southwest. Which I appreciate because otherwise nobody would have had a mask on. They would have been eating or drinking and totally defeat the purpose. With American Airlines they did only let a few rows off at a time which was nice!

Basically if I were to fly again in the next few months I would fly southwest! I feel more comfortable with having the middle seat open in between me and someone else. It also blew my mind how different things were in different states. In Boston, every single person had a mask on and then in Iowa nobody had one on. It’s just interesting to see how things are in different places.

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | | Traveling | Traveling During Covid | Airline comparison | Weekender bags | weekend luggage

Father's Day Gift Guide

Happy Tuesday guys! I don’t even know where the time has gone. It feels like Mother’s Day was .2 seconds ago! I wanted to throw together something simple to give you guys some ideas for Father’s Day gifts! A lot of these things Dustin has or we have given to my dad or my father in law!

I mentioned this in stories a couple of weeks back but this North Face sweatshirt has very quickly became Dustin’s favorite thing to wear! He got one for his birthday in April and since then has gotten three more. He loves wearing them to work! He works remote and even when he is in the office it’s very casual. The electric hand warmers are something that I got my dad for Christmas last year and he uses them when he is hunting. One thing that is new to me that I hadn’t seen before was the portable charcoal grill! Its so freakin cute {I mean as far as grills go lol} but its perfect for on the go!

The last thing that I wanted to mention was the gluten free spices that I found. I always have a hard time finding spice blends that are gluten free. Its one of the things that gluten is hidden in a lot so when I find something like this I want to share! They had 6 other types of mixes. Some were seasoned salts, grill mixes, hot & spicy mixes and some other ones!

| BBQ Subscription Box | 7 in 1 Pen | Portable Charcoal Grill | North Face Sweatshirt | Coffee Bean Grinder | Drill Charging Station | AirPods | Gluten Free Spice Set | Wood Corkcicle | Electric Hand Warmers | | Fathers Day Gift Guide | Gifts for Dad | Grandfather | Father In Law | Gifts for Fathers |  Fathers Day

Have you guys had or tried any of these things on the list?! I would love to know your thoughts on them! You can leave a comment below or send me an email at and I will get back to you!

The Next Chapter: We Bought a House! | We Bought A House | New House | First Time Home Owners | Moving Across the Country | Here we go Again | New Home | Florida | Moving to Florida | Orlando, Florida |

We bought a house! If you follow me on Instagram or get my emails you already know this. I thought it would be fun to talk about the last few months to let you guys know what has been going on behind the scenes. But let me give you a little back story! About a year and a half ago in October we decided that we wanted to move to Florida. We love Disney and visit as often as we can and every time we are there we just feel happy. In Orlando in general, not just Disney! We are so excited for warm weather year round, space and being in our happy place! For those of you who don’t know, we got married in Disney Springs in Florida.

We went back and forth for a year on if we would move down there and rent or if we would move down and buy a house. We were finally set on buying a house but then the coronavirus started. We weren't able to travel and flying there wasn’t an option anymore. We had plans to travel down in July {2020} to see houses. Our Boston lease wasn’t up until October so we hadn’t planned on leaving until then. But SO much changed. With everything happening and being stuck in the apartment one of our main things was that if this {quarantine} happened again in the fall or in the future that we wanted to be in a house.

Lucky Dustin had a coworker who had just moved within Florida and we were able to get set up with his realtor! He truly made this process a breeze for us. He has worked so hard to help us find the right place for Dustin and I and went above and beyond our expectations with helping us from afar. Doing this all remotely was what made us the most nervous but he made our lives easy! I talk to my mom a lot, like twice a day at least and I feel like there was about a month period of time where we talked to him more lol. If you need a realtor in the Orlando area let me know and I will give you his information!

The hard part was when we started finding the houses that we liked. There was a period of time where we would find a house {like 3 IN A ROW} and before our realtor could go see it {i’m talking like the next day} the house would already be under contract. It was really frustrating and we felt helpless being so far away. Not that I think we could have done anything but we just had that feeling. Then the very next day from when our top 3 choices went off the market we found it. This house. The one we are buying. In this instance it 10000% felt like everything happened for a reason and everything just sort of made sense. We found the house and the next day our realtor went to show it to us on video and we put in an offer that night.

Our house had been “sold” or under contract two times before we bought it! Perfect timing! After we put the offer in on the house things started moving pretty quickly. We put in offer in on May 17th and she accepted it. Three days later Dustin was on a plane down to Florida for inspection. This was the one part that we really needed to be there for. We both wanted to go so badly but it wasn’t necessary and we didn’t want both of us to be out and about flying when we didn’t both need to do that. Everything went well with the inspection and Dustin came home two days later. After that its been a waiting game of us waiting to move. We have 28 days and we can’t wait!

I can’t wait to take you through the house and start with completing rooms! Our plan is to do room by room so it will be easy for me to share with you guys. I would love to answer any questions that you have! I have talked to so many of you on instagram that live there or wanted to know more and I love sharing with you guys! Let me know if you have any questions either in the comments or you can email me at

Plants I Ordered for our Apartment

I feel like I need to write the next sentence in all caps … I am no expert and I literally struggle to keep anything alive lol. But I keep telling myself that this time is going to be different! I WILL keep these ones alive! I did a little but of research to see which plants were easier to keep alive and then after I chose a few I figured out how often I needed to water them and what the upkeep was before I even purchased them.

All of the plants I ordered came from different shops on Etsy! I wanted to support small shops and I felt like they would be healthier. Kind of like when you used to buy goldfish from Walmart and they would die pretty quickly after. That was what was in my head when I bought them lol. Anyways, I chose three plants, four succulents and four air plants! All of them have lived at our house for well over a month and its going well so far! Update: Over the last week since I originally wrote this, one of the plants had a couple of the leaves turn brown… it turns out that I needed to water this one pretty much daily! So I messed that up. You can see in the photos. I am talking about the Ficus Esastica ‘tineke’.

But the other ones are all still alive and I water them all once a week on Thursday morning {I set a reoccurring alarm} and it has worked great! I am hoping once I do it enough I won’t have to keep the alarm it will just be like muscle memory. *shrugs shoulders*

Below are the plants that I bought, I will list them out here!

  1. Sanseveria Hunny Bunny Snake Plant

  2. Sedum Donkey Tail {succulent}

  3. Cassula String of Buttons {succulent}

  4. Echeveria “Lola” {succulent}

  5. Haworthia Limifolia var. Striata {succulent}

  6. Sanseveria Trifasciata Snake Plant - also called the Mother in Law’s Tongue

  7. Ficus Esastica ‘Tineke’

  8. Four Air Plants which are many different sizes, you can shop those here!

See the graphic below to see which name goes with which plant! | Plants I ordered for our Apartment | House Plants | Plants for Small Spaces | Succulents | Snake Plants | Apartment Plants

Now for the planters!

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |


I feel like this will definitely be a post/topic that I keep you guys updated on! I feel REAL invested in these plants lol. Do you guys have house plants?? Which ones?!

Mother's Day Gift Guide | Mother Day gift guide | what to buy for Mothers day | Gift ideas | gifts for mom

I can’t even believe that we will be in the month of MAY this week! That just blows my mind. But then on the other hand, Christmas feels like it was six years ago lol so idk. But We are about two weeks out from Mother’s Day and I am going to be on top of it this year. I feel like usually I remember a few days before and then SCRAMBLE to figure out what I am going to do. | Mother Day gift guide | what to buy for Mothers day | Gift ideas | gifts for mom

Some of these things my mom or mother in law already have and love, and I will point them out to you. I will just jump right into it! The Ray-ban sunglasses, both my mom and myself have them! We love them and they are such good quality. The Kendra Scott necklace is one that I have had for years and the quality has held up so well. They are $50 each and will last for such a long time. I love how dainty it is! Another thing that both my mom and mother in law like is this hair straightener/dryer. I initially got it for Christmas and then got one for my mom for Christmas and when my MIL tried it while she was here she loved it! Its definitely a favorite!! As for other things I have noted on the image whether it is something that I have and love or if its something that someone else has!

| Milk Frother | Coffee Mugs | Kendra Scott Necklace | One step Volumizing Hair dryer | Becca Under Eye Corrector | Ray Ban Sunglasses | Magnolia Table Cook Book | Volcano Candle | Fuzzy Slippers | Sea Salt Caramels | At Home Dip Nail Kit | | Mother Day gift guide | what to buy for Mothers day | Gift ideas | gifts for mom

I would love to know if you have any of these items and love them! One thing about my website and about me is if I find something good, I usually stick with it and then tell everyone I know about it lol and make sure that they try it for themselves! I really try not to switch products a ton unless its changed or there is another reason for something new! If you have any questions I would be more than happy to answer those for you! Feel free to comment below or send me an email at!

10 Things to do When You're Bored

10 Things to do When You’re Bored | 10 Things to do When you're bored | At home ideas | things to do at home | new hobbies to try | free things to do |  how to pass time | things to try | how to beat boredom
  1. Beading - I mentioned in stories a few weeks back that I started a new hobby. It has been something that I have had everything in and out of my Amazon cart for about 6 months before I finally decided to do it! Its so fun to not have any rules and get to make something! There are so many sizes and shapes of the beads. Its actually really relaxing as well. I am able to turn on a movie or a show and bead! I linked everything that I need here!

  2. Pigment Coloring App - This is really only an idea if you have an iPad or some type of tablet but I love this app so much. There is a paid version but I just use the free coloring pages {there are tons and more are being added all the time!}. For me its calming because I am so focused on the coloring that my brain isn’t thinking about 100 other things. Its actually something that turns my brain off.

  3. Take a drive - My mom keeps texting me and saying “Go eat lunch in Vermont!”. We live like an hour from Vermont and she thinks it will be like the perfect afternoon activity. I know not everyone lives super close to a different state but really what I mean is go for a long drive with a stop at the end. You could easily choose a park that is like an hour away and take a packed lunch and eat in your car! Just for a change of scenery!

  4. Take an online course! There are so many businesses and companies that are offering free classes right now. I will link a couple below!

    1. Nikon is offering free Photography classes in April! Link is here.

    2. Duolingo has free language lessons! Find those here.

    3. iTunes U has SO many free classes to take! There were a ton that looked interesting about Earth Month! I linked where you can find those here.

  5. Join a book club! Facebook has so many good options. Here are the two that I am currently in! Caila’s Corner and we are reading “The Two Lives of Lydia Bird” and Lynzy & Co, we are reading “Love Does”. I love being a part of these two because it gives me an assignment and a sense of community with the group!

  6. A classic puzzle - This is something that I like to do that is not a sit down and complete until its done. I like to open a puzzle and work on it as I please until its complete. It might be a couple of hours, it might be a couple of days. It just depends! I linked to a ton of puzzles in this blog post here.

  7. Learn a new skill! YouTube is a great resource for this! You can pick up so many new skills from youtube all for free I might add. Here is a list of some of the ones I could think of!

    • origami

    • Beading

    • Knitting

    • Making Soap

    • Kickboxing

    • Starting a bullet journal

    • Calligraphy

  8. Work on a goal - Playing off of the last idea, make a goal for something small that you have always wanted to do. Here are some examples: work on your handstands or being able to do the splits.. Play with eyeshadow {I am hopeless with eyeshadow lol}, perfect the winged liner look! Learn to curl you're hard.. another thing I realllllly can’t do lol

  9. Cook something - You could do the “At Home Chopped Challenge that I talked about in this blog post here. Learn how to make something that you had one one of your favorite vacations.. {Pasta from Italy, tatziki from Greece, copycat recipes from Disney World! Disney Hungry has a ton of good copycat Disney Recipes!} They don’t all have to be desserts! You can make so many fun things! Get creative!

  10. Start that crazy long movie series! I love watching movies like Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings that you can really get into the characters and watch them grow. There are so many movie series’ to binge.. I made a list!

    • Harry Potter

    • Lord of the Rings

    • The Hobbit

    • Star Wars

    • Jurassic Park

    • Pirates of the Caribbean

    • Avengers

    • Any combination of Marvel movie sets {Iron Man, Captain America, Spiderman, Thor, Guardians of the Galaxy, Ant Man}

    • Star Trek

    • Divergent Trilogy

    • Fantastic Beasts

    • Pitch Perfect

    • Transformers

    • Twilight

    • X-men

  11. Watch the Disney Nature documentaries on Disney+! I loved Penguins, Elephant, and Dolphin Reef! Seriously so cute and you fall in love with the little animal families in each of them for sure.

  12. Animal Crossing - If you have a Nintendo Switch this game is so much fun. Also if you want to be friends, let’s do it! I’m not even sure how to do that lol but I will figure it out.

This is defiantly one of those blog posts that I will add to as I think of more things! I see new ideas all over the place every day! I know that this time has been really hard on all of us but I will say that I think the creativeness from people has been amazing! So many amazing ideas have come from this all. If you can think of something comment below and I will add it to the list!