Gluten Free In Reykjavik Iceland

Hi Friends!

Usually I am a big planner in terms of food on vacation and this is mostly just because I am so scared with my allergy of not having something to eat or causing problems with whatever group I am in. It sucks when you’re hungry and wandering around trying to find food that won’t make me sick. All that said, I didn’t plan ANYTHING in terms of food for this trip. It just totally slipped my mind. While we were there we didn’t eat out much very much. We stopped at grocery stores and then mostly cooked food at our Airbnbs! There were a few places we did eat out though and I wanted to share those with you guys below!

Where to Eat Gluten Free in Reykjavik, Iceland

Krua Thai Restaurant - We were visiting Rainbow Road and the iconic Hallgrímskirkja church right around lunch time and we were so happy to stumble into the yummiest food we had in Iceland! They had a lot of gluten free options and the waiter was very knowledgeable of my gluten allergy. I honestly think that our waiter was the owner as well but nonetheless, knowledgeable! I decided to get the Pad Thai and I added chicken, it was SO good! We were also able to get whatever spice level that we wanted. Dustin got the chicken Kuayda Pad with rice and it was like a red curry. It was also able to be made gluten free! The portions were huge and I ended up taking about half of mine to go for later, side note, it reheated well!

Indulge in delicious gluten free meals at top-rated restaurants in Reykjavik Iceland. Plan your trip with our guide to the best gluten free options in the city.
Indulge in delicious gluten free meals at top-rated restaurants in Reykjavik Iceland. Plan your trip with our guide to the best gluten free options in the city.

Coffee shop in Penninn - We went in to browse the bookstore and grabbed a coffee while we were in there. The bookstore was so cute and had so many options book wise. I know it was the middle of June when we were there but Dustin and I both got a pumpkin spiced latte and it really just hit the spot! It was so good, not too sweet, so good!

Rost Reykjavik - This was a coffee shop that was closer to the cruise port but we stopped here for breakfast before we got onto our ship! To eat I got the hot ham and cheese on gluten free bread, it was good! Dustin got one of their specials that was specific to that day but it was out of his comfort zone and he still loved it. To drink I got the one of their special lattes that was being advertised on the chalk board but it had like caramel popcorn on top and was so good! It was definitely more of a sweet treat rather than a regular coffee situation! Dustin just had a latte and liked that as well!

Indulge in delicious gluten free meals at top-rated restaurants in Reykjavik Iceland. Plan your trip with our guide to the best gluten free options in the city.
Indulge in delicious gluten free meals at top-rated restaurants in Reykjavik Iceland. Plan your trip with our guide to the best gluten free options in the city.
Indulge in delicious gluten free meals at top-rated restaurants in Reykjavik Iceland. Plan your trip with our guide to the best gluten free options in the city.
Indulge in delicious gluten free meals at top-rated restaurants in Reykjavik Iceland. Plan your trip with our guide to the best gluten free options in the city.

Like I said, we were only there for a few days and we did eat in our Airbnbs for the most part but we did eat and get coffee at a few good spots! Have you eaten at any of these spots? I can’t recommend the Krua, the Thai restaurant enough and it is right next to rainbow road. Definitely worth the spot! Let me know if you eat at any of these spots! If you have any questions you can comment below or as always you can send me an email at and I will get back to you as soon as possible!

Much Love, 



Spend A Day In Kirkwall, Scotland

Hi Friends!

Kirkwall was our first port stop in Scotland and I loved this day so much! As I was writing this blog post I realized that pretty much everything we did when we were in Kirkwall was something that we stumbled upon while walking around. There was a mixup with getting off the ship so we had literally like two hours to kill while waiting for my parents to get off and by the time we met up with them we wandered some more! We had the best day though, we wandered into coffee shops, thrift stores, castles, libraries, museums, restaurants, gift shops, churches and so much more and it was just the best most relaxing day considering nothing in the morning went to plan. But we had about 6 hours to spend wandering the city and it feels like we walked and explored SO much in that small amount of time!

A Few Things to Have on Hand!

  1. Rain Jacket

  2. Umbrella

  3. Backpack for purchases

  4. Camera or Phone for pictures

  5. LAYERS! I was so thankful that I had a rain jacket, a sweatshirt and a t-shirt on because I shed and added layers all day long!

Where to Stop!

Welcome center - Usually I wouldn’t suggest a welcome center as a place that you probably want to check out when you are visiting somewhere new but the welcome center in Kirkwall was so helpful. The staff were so knowledgeable and happy to help us with questions about maps, locations of attractions, spots to eat, shopping, bus schedules, wifi locations and so much more. Another perk of the welcome center was that it was also a very cute gift shop with actually cute items to purchase! We stopped there at the beginning of the day and also on the way out just to look at last minute souvenirs!

Archive Coffee Shop - We stopped in here to get coffee and use their wifi for a few minutes to check on where my parents were and I am so glad we stopped because it was the cutest little coffee shop. We both got lattes and they were good! They also had a food menu but we weren’t eating. A great place to stop for a pick me up and to check on missed messages if you didn’t have service there like us! Haha

Kirkwall Library and Archive - Another place that I wouldn’t usually add to a list of places to visit when you are in a new city is a library but it was such a cool place to check out. It was raining right when we got into Kirkwall and we decided to go in the library just to see what it was like. But it was so fun! There was free wifi, bathrooms and they actually had books for sale. I needed up getting a few to use as decor and coffee table books for home. I would definitely suggest going into the library, even for just a few minutes!

Bishop’s and Earl’s Palace - Another place we stumbled upon was this old-timey castle palace thing which was SO cool to see inside of. It was like a medieval looking building and it was right next to the St Magnus Cathedral. It was dated all the way back to 1263 and it was just so interesting to see and imagine how life was lived inside the building. We spent maybe like 25 minutes here but if you are taking a guided tour I could see you spending more time and getting a ton more information. I would absolutely recommend checking out this spot!

The Orkney Museum - We didn’t plan to stop in here but we walked by it while we were exploring and the door said free so we figured we had nothing to loose! The museum was fairly small but it had information on the history of Orkney all the way back to the Stone Age. There were things to look at from the Vikings all the way until present day. I’m glad we stumbled upon it and went in. They also had restrooms that were available to use and another cute gift shop at the end of exploring.

St Magnus Cathedral - We went in here once we met up with my parents and it was so pretty inside. It was raining pretty hard at this point so we were happy to be inside but it was so neat to just learn a little more about this cathedral. Some of the dates that we were reading were just so interesting, some dated back to the 11th century. Also the stained glass was just incredible! It didn’t take us too long to walk through but it was absolutely worth the stop for us.

Harbour Fry Fish & Chips - I was SO happy to stumble upon this restaurant. It was on the main strip of shops and as you can see below, it literally said “ask about our gluten free options” and WOW was it yummy! The inside was small but like a fast paced diner almost. We ended up sharing a table with a couple and their Australian shepherd (some of you probably know we have two Aussies at home!!) and had the best time. It was great conversation with locals and was honestly the highlight of our day. The fish was crispy and delicious and 10/10 recommend eating here if you are visiting! Plus the staff was SO friendly! I can’t say enough good things about this spot!

There were also lots of other shops along the main walkway including the cutest book shop that had so much to choose from. There was also a fun record store that we spent way too much time in! The record store also had things like legos, games, puzzles, it reminded me sort of like a game stop with fewer video games. There were also so many thrift stores that we wandered into. We went to like three or four different ones and I got a couple of cute paintings that now live in my house. I liked being able to get things for the house that weren’t from a gift shop but there is like a history to those items! Other than that there were lots of stores that had souvenirs and gifts that we loved. OH and there was an art fair that was cute to walk through. My best advice would be to just go into places even if you think it might be something you wouldn’t usually stop at.

With only spending about half of a day here, as you can tell we were able to fit so many things in and had a great day! If we had a little bit more time we probably would have ventured out and did some things outside of the city. But that just means we need to visit again for a longer amount of time! I could absolutely see us visiting Scotland again in the near future! Have you been to Scotland? What was your favorite part when you were there? As always, if you have any questions at all, please comment below or send me an email at and I will get back to you asap!

Much Love, 



Emergency Kit for a Cruise

Were back from our trip to Iceland, Scotland, Denmark and Sweden trip and after being on a longer cruise I feel like I have a pretty good grasp on things that need to go into an emergency kit for said cruises! This kit is for more than just sea sickness so if you're setting sail on the open seas or embarking on a river cruise, it's important to be prepared for any emergency that may arise. After being on a handful of different cruise lines I have come to a few conclusions, one being the medicines that they do sell are pricey in the gift shops. Two, the only medicines that I was told I could get from staff was seasickness and motion sickness pills. Three, there is nothing worse than needing medicine and it not being available to you. Even though you are on the cruise to relax, the reality is that accidents and medical emergencies can happen at any time. Anyways, enough blabbing about why it's essential to have a well-stocked emergency first aid kit on board. This is probably obvious but I am not a doctor and anything you plan to take should be run by a professional prior to taking it! These are the things that I came up with that are my/our must-have essentials for a cruise emergency first aid kit. Hopefully you can be fully prepared for any situation that may arise during your own vacations!

Don't let unexpected situations ruin your cruise vacation. Stay safe and be prepared with our expertly curated emergency kit, designed specifically for cruising. Get yours now and sail with peace of mind. #cruiseemergencykit #vacationpreparedness #cr

Don't let unexpected situations ruin your cruise vacation. Stay safe and be prepared with our expertly curated emergency kit, designed specifically for cruising. Get yours now and sail with peace of mind. #cruiseemergencykit #vacationpreparedness #cr

I also wanted to add a few links for premade cruise kits that you can buy for your trip if you don’t want to put one together yourself! There are lots of options to choose from! Options for sea sickness, hangovers and just medicines in general!

Don't let unexpected situations ruin your cruise vacation. Stay safe and be prepared with our expertly curated emergency kit, designed specifically for cruising. Get yours now and sail with peace of mind. #cruiseemergencykit #vacationpreparedness #cr

As I said, I haven’t been on a TON of cruises but I have been on a handful and I have learned that having a well-stocked cruise emergency first aid kit is essential for any traveler embarking on a cruise. Unless you want to spend and arm and a leg in the gift shop as well as being on the schedule of the store being opened or not, it is important to include items such as medication, bandages, and seasickness remedies in your kit. Remember to also consider any specific medical needs for you and your traveling companions, and consult with your healthcare provider before setting sail. It helped us so much being prepared on our last cruise and that was actually when we learned a few things that we should have added before. Once we got home I made a comprehensive first aid kit list of things to have on hand in order for us to make sure we are having an enjoyable cruise experience. I seriously relate to the saying, "It's better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it”! So when you are packing for your next cruise make sure you don't forget to pack your cruise emergency first aid kit and be able to cruise with peace of mind that you have the essentials that you need! If you think there is something that I should add to this list comment below and I will add it! I am sure there are things I am missing or will add as time goes on. Feel free to send me an email at if you have any other questions or comments!

Much Love,



8 Things I Packed for Iceland in June

I can’t believe that our trip to Iceland is actually here! This was a trip that we actually had some what of a difficult time packing for, there was a lot that we needed to bring and not a ton of space to pack into. Iceland is the first stop on this trip and each location that we are going to pretty much is in a different season. Keep in mind this list is only the clothing specifics that I packed, not the extras, I will probably do a new blogpost on a full packing list soon. Below are 8 Things that I Packed for Iceland specifically and you can be on the lookout for blog posts for Scotland, Copenhagen and Sweden in the near future!

Have you guys been to Iceland? It has seriously been on my bucket list for as long as I can remember so checking it off and getting to experience it has been so exciting. Anything that you brought to Iceland that I missed on the list? You can comment below with any questions that you might have or let me know if you added these to your own packing lists!

Much Love,



Gluten Free In New York City

Hi Friends! | New York City Gluten Free Restaurants | GF in NYC | Gluten Free in New York City | GF Restaurants in New York

Dustin and I have been to New York City a couple of times together but the last trip we did was the first time I had a gluten allergy so we definitely had to scope out the best food we could find while we were there! New York City had a ton of options to choose from and I wanted to make sure that they were all in one spot for you guys to reference when you need it! There is nothing worse than going to a new city and not knowing what you are going to be able to eat when you have an allergy. I wanted to make sure that I noted all of the restaurants that we went to not just the good spots, because then you know what you are getting yourself into before going there and getting disappointed. Honestly there weren’t really any terrible places that we tried but I will note all of that below in the reviews/what I ordered and that sort of thing!

Where to Eat Gluten Free in New York City:

New York Restaurants | New York City Gluten Free Restaurants | GF in NYC | Gluten Free in New York City | GF Restaurants in New York

Don Antonio - I think for anyone visiting New York City, one of the things on your food bucket list is pizza and if you are gluten-free then you might be worried that there won’t be any options for you to have when you are there.. don’t worry I had pizza a few times and Don Antonio was one of them. I ordered a gluten-free pizza quattro formaggi and Dustin ordered a regular pepperoni pizza. We both liked the pizzas and it was actually my favorite pizza that I had while I was there! Originally we were going to go to the restaurant and sit down but we ended up getting it on Door Dash because we were so cold (we visited in February)! 10/10 recommend!

Lilli + Loo - In Orlando, Chinese food that is gluten-free is so hard to find so when we were planning out New York Trip I looked for Chinese food and found this was one of the options that came up and it was near our hotel! We stopped in here the first day that we were in town and I got the pad Thai, it was so yummy! They had a pretty large gluten free menu that had dishes like lo mein, fried rice, noodle dishes, sushi and sashimi and so much more. The pad Thai was good, it just needed a little bit of spice which they gave me to add to the dish! We would definitely go back! | New York City Gluten Free Restaurants | GF in NYC | Gluten Free in New York City | GF Restaurants in New York | New York City Gluten Free Restaurants | GF in NYC | Gluten Free in New York City | GF Restaurants in New York

Friedman’s Restaurant - This restaurant is basically completely gluten-free and it was SO yummy! They have seven locations but we ate at the location that was in the Theater District. When we were there I had SUCH a hard time choosing what I was going to eat because it all sounded so good. I ended up going with the fried chicken sandwich and it was freakin awesome! So many other things sounded good, the vegetable pot stickers, the B.L.T.A, the Tuna Melt and the Mac n Cheese, so many options I don’t think we could have gone wrong! I also think that other locations had diffferent options because they all have different menus! Defiantly check it out if you are visiting!

Thep Thai - We ate here the last day we were in New York City and we had the best time! We were waiting for our flight so we ended up sitting there for about three hours eating and getting drinks. I was drinking the Dawn on Me which was like a mimosa and so good. Dustin was drinking the Hazy Baby which was a bourbon drink with spiced cherry bitters and he really liked them. For food I got the pad Thai and so did Dustin, we both liked it! The appetizer that is in the photo wasn’t gluten free, they were crab rangoons and Dustin said they were really good. We loved this little restaurant and would go back when we are visiting New York City. | New York City Gluten Free Restaurants | GF in NYC | Gluten Free in New York City | GF Restaurants in New York | New York City Gluten Free Restaurants | GF in NYC | Gluten Free in New York City | GF Restaurants in New York

Schnippers - This restaurant had so many options and a whole gluten free menu! I was so excited to eat here and my food was delicious and didn’t disappoint. I got the gluten-free fried buffalo chicken sandwich and then a side of French fries with cheese sauce to dip them in. I wouldn’t call this restaurant like fast food but it was more of a fast paced place where you order at the counter and then go sit down and wait for your number to be called. I would compare it to like a McAllisters type of place. It was really good and I wish we had this place in Florida! | New York City Gluten Free Restaurants | GF in NYC | Gluten Free in New York City | GF Restaurants in New York | New York City Gluten Free Restaurants | GF in NYC | Gluten Free in New York City | GF Restaurants in New York

Tolache - This was a Mexican restaurant that we hadn’t planned on eating at but I am so glad we found it. When we were in New York on of our activities was to go see Wicked on broadway at the Gershwin Theater and this restaurant was right next door to the theater. In hindsight we should have made reservations but we were lucky enough to get in on Valentine’s Day! As an appetizer we got the mild guacamole which was yummy and then for my main meal I got the pescado tacos which were made Baja style with spicy jícama slaw and guacamole on corn tortillas… YUM! Dustin got the carne asada tacos with chipotle salsa, onions, cilantro and avocado! We both loved our meals!

Lunetta Pizza - This was the other pizza place that we ordered from and it was okay but it just wasn’t our favorite! We decided to just order one pizza so we ended up getting one gluten-free pepperoni pie as they called it on their website! I would say it was like a 4/10, I don’t even think we didn’t love it because of the crust I just think the sauce wasn’t for us! If you have had this pizza and liked it please tell us what to get next time! I never love bashing on gluten free options because they are so limited but this just wasn’t great! | New York City Gluten Free Restaurants | GF in NYC | Gluten Free in New York City | GF Restaurants in New York | New York City Gluten Free Restaurants | GF in NYC | Gluten Free in New York City | GF Restaurants in New York

Places that were on our list but didn’t have time for: | New York City Gluten Free Restaurants | GF in NYC | Gluten Free in New York City | GF Restaurants in New York | New York City Gluten Free Restaurants | GF in NYC | Gluten Free in New York City | GF Restaurants in New York

I wanted to add in a little bonus item for you guys. This New York City trip was Dustin’s Christmas present a couple of years ago and I made him an itinerary for our weekend! It’s not perfect and we didn’t do everything but I wanted to share it with you guys just in case you needed any inspiration for your upcoming New York trip! We just spent a long weekend there and had so much fun, you will find the itinerary below! | New York City Gluten Free Restaurants | GF in NYC | Gluten Free in New York City | GF Restaurants in New York

Like I mentioned before, Dustin and I have been to New York City twice together and then before that once on our own and I feel like we have tried many spots. Eating gluten-free in New York City was a fun challenge and we were pleasantly surprised with the options we had to choose from! If you have any questions at all, please comment below or you can always send me an email at and I will get back to you as soon as possible!

Much Love, 



Orlando Local Summer Bucket List | 2024

Orlando Local Summer Bucket List | 2024

We have lived here for just under four years and we decided it was time to finally check some of the things we have always wanted to do here in Orlando off of the list! Since summer is in full swing we as Orlando locals know that this season is filled with endless possibilities and adventures and we need to be taking full advantage of them. SO many things from theme parks to outdoor water activities, our city is bursting with opportunities to make memories and soak up the sunshine. With that being said, there are so many options, it is hard to know where to even begin? We decided to write them down and actually try to check off items from our Summer Bucket List. Honestly this list can be for anyone, whether you're a long-time resident or a first-time visitor here on vacation, this bucket list has anything and everything you need to make the most out of your summer in Orlando. From hidden gems to must-see attractions, I feel like this list will keep you entertained all season long. So grab your sunscreen and get ready to explore our city like a true local!

Unleash Your Inner Adventurer: Orlando Locals Summer Bucket List
Unleash Your Inner Adventurer: Orlando Locals Summer Bucket List

Glass Bottom Kayak Tour at Rainbow Springs -

I have always wanted to do this, all of the videos I see on Instagram look so pretty! You can go in a 1 person or a 2 person kayak and the website that I found looks like it will be $70 a person! They also had a ton of availability which was awesome because this kind of thing seems like it could fill up pretty quick.

Spend an afternoon at Lakeridge Winery -

I have wanted to come to this winery since we moved here and we’ve driven past it a bunch but never stopped in. This one seems like it will be an easy one to check off! They have live entertainment on the weekends as well as a food court and then obviously the wine bar!

Go in the hot air balloon at Disney Springs -

For those of you who don’t know, Dustin and I actually got married in this balloon and we have never been back up in it. We will be celebrating our 7th wedding anniversary on July 1st so that seems like the perfect time to do it again! For those who are curious it is $30 a person to go up in the balloon!

Beach day at St. Pete Beach -

Not all of the things on this bucket list are huge, we have been to this beach many times before but not too often. The beach feels juuuuuust out of reach for us to go often with the puppies being at home, so planning a beach day for us will be much more likely that we end up going!

Winter Garden Farmers Market Date -

Again not a huge thing, we have been a few times but I wanted to add it to the list because it’s something not to miss! We love spending at Saturday in Winter Garden at the farmers market and then getting lunch somewhere and doing a bit of shopping! We love eating at Urban on plant and we also love the bookstore that they have there called Writers Block! I also feel like I should share that we also love going to the Clermont Farmers market! Both are awesome for their own reasons! Like the Clermont area has really cool shops like the record store!

Swim with the manatees at Blue Springs State Park -

This has been on my list since before we moved down to Florida and I am shocked that we haven’t been yet. I REALLY want to make it happen this summer!

Spend the day at Disney’s Typhoon Lagoon -

Our Disney passes include the Disney water parks and we’ve been passholders for two years, this might even be our third year of being passholders, and I can’t believe that we’ve never been to one of the water parks! I’m not a huge waterpark person, but I do think that I would enjoy spending time at a waterpark that was Disney themed!

Watch the 4th of July fireworks from Lake Minneola -

We actually do have plans to do this this summer, our friends invited us out on their boat to watch the fireworks and I’m so excited! I think it’s gonna be so cool watching them from the water!

Brunch at Root and Branch -

This is one of those smaller bucket list items but eating at this restaurant has been on my list for awhile now so I want to make it happen this summer!

Morning hike at Lake Louisa State Park -

We love going to Lake Louisa, but we’ve never actually gone hiking there, I am excited too go though! There are so many pretty in the state park and I think hiking through it will be a fun way to see them!

Visit the Clearwater Aquarium -

Again, I have followed the Clearwater aquarium on Instagram since we lived in Boston and have always wanted to go that I’m surprised that we haven’t been yet. But much like the beach it is just far enough away that we haven’t made the trip yet. Definitely hoping to cross this off the list this summer.

Concert date night at Epcot Eat to the Beat -

This will be a late summer activity, we love going to the concerts that are in the American Pavilion at Epcot. It’s such a fun date night and there are usually some pretty cool bands to watch! We will most likely go to more than one of these concerts but such a fun and easy night out if you are a Disney pass holder!

Spend time at The Acre -

I’m pretty sure this opened up in the fall of last year and so many people have made such cool videos about the acre, from what I understand it’s like an outdoor food live music hang out picnic situation… Lots of people bring their dogs. It looks like such a fun time!

Bioluminescence Stand Up Paddle Tour at Indian River lagoon -

I’ve heard that this is such a fun thing to see, it’s standup paddle boarding but at night and there is bioluminescent algae that makes the river/lagoon light up… I’m not even sure if I’m explaining it correctly but my geeky science loving heart is so excited for this

Weekend Trip to the Everglades National Park -

I would absolutely love to make this happen this summer, the Everglades is a topic that I learn about a lot in my school and classes… The Florida Panther has come to be one of my favorite things to learn more about and I have done many projects over the topic. Seeing this in person would be such a cool experience.

Disney World - 4 Parks in 1 Day -

I’m pretty sure we’ve done this before, but not in an intentional way and with a lack of organization… I would love to do this again though and make goals for each park to really be able to say that we’ve done four parks in one day! But definitely something I want to do!

Unleash Your Inner Adventurer: Orlando Locals Summer Bucket List
Unleash Your Inner Adventurer: Orlando Locals Summer Bucket List

As Orlando locals, we are no strangers to the heat and humidity of summer and truly there is some level of embracing the heat and still enjoying summer activities that need to happen! We are so looking forward to getting outside and exploring all that this city we call home has to offer. Like I mentioned before, there are so many options from theme park adventures to hidden gems off the beaten path, our summer bucket list has something for everyone and we can’t wait to start checking these off the list. Are any of these things on your bucket list in Orlando? Or did you add anything from this list to your own list? I would love to hear if there are things that I should add as well! Comment below or you can always email me at and I will get back to you as quickly as possible!


Review of the New Orleans Aquarium and Insectarium

Discover the Secret Life of Insects at the New Orleans Aquarium and Insectarium!

Experience the vibrant culture of New Orleans with our top recommendations for dining, accommodation, and activities. Don't miss out on the must-see spots in this lively city. Book your trip now!

We spent a good portion of our morning at the New Orleans Aquarium and Insectarium when we were visiting and liked it so much! For one it was a great way to get out of the rain but we also make the aquarium a priority whenever we are visiting a new place. At the New Orleans Aquarium and Insectarium, we were able to learn so much from the captivating world of these tiny creatures. They had interactive exhibits as well as unique species to see for the first time. If you are visiting, get ready to explore and learn about the behaviors and habitats of insects like never before. Below I am sharing more from out visit about the world of aquatic species as well as the insects that are at this one-of-a-kind attraction in New Orleans.

More Details on the New Orleans Aquarium

Inside the New Orleans Aquarium we saw so many species, the Audubon Aquarium is home to over 3,600 animals and 250 species! This aquarium is right next to the Mississippi River which is a whole different perspective going in rather than the Boston Aquarium that we visited so often that is right on the ocean! The Audubon Aquarium has many interactive exhibits that let us get close to so many species. Some of my favorites to see were the African Penguins and the Louisiana white leucistic alligator which was so rare to see! They also had South American Sea Nettles which are a species of jellyfish, Giant Sea Turtles, and Sea Horses, as well as various sharks and stingrays. A fun fact that I thought was pretty cool is that it is in the top 10 of best aquariums in the United States, definitely worth the visit!

A full review of the the New Orlean's Aquarium and Insectarium
A full review of the the New Orlean's Aquarium and Insectarium

Details on the Insectarium

I don’t think we had ever been to an Insectarium before this but we enjoyed it and will be adding them to our to-dos when they are available! Walking into the Insectarium was so cool, right away there was so much to look at. They had different beetles, ants, bumblebees, carpenter bees, grasshoppers, cockroaches and so many more. Then in the butterfly house, there was so much to look at, tons of zebra longwing butterflies, monarch butterflies, and more stating that there are over 20 species of butterflies within the butterfly house. They also had giant sphinx moths, Halloween pennant dragonflies, and Florida walkingstick are just a few. Again there are tons of interactive displays and informative signage so that visitors of all ages can learn in a hands-on way more information about these fascinating creatures.

Pricing Details on Both Spots

You can buy tickets online or in person, we bought them in person when we were there but I believe you might save some money if you pre purchase them online. As of right now, in Spring 2024, when you buy them online the ticket for the Aquarium is $30 per person for a non-member and the Insectarium is $30 per person for a non-member. If you purchase them together though the total for both the Aquarium and the Insectarium is $40 per person which is a huge savings. This is the option that we did and I believe it was similar in cost per person when we visited and bought them.

A full review of the the New Orlean's Aquarium and Insectarium
A full review of the the New Orlean's Aquarium and Insectarium
A full review of the the New Orlean's Aquarium and Insectarium
A full review of the the New Orlean's Aquarium and Insectarium

Details on Food & Drinks

After exploring the interactive exhibits, you may find yourself feeling hungry and in need of a break. Luckily, between the Insectarium and the Aquarium, there is a restaurant with a ton of options. The menu has so many New Orleans-style options including a roast beef Po’ Boy, a Gulf Shrimp Salad, Crawfish Etouffee, Gumbo, and then other options like chicken tenders or a delicious-looking turkey sandwich and chips. There are kids’ meals as well and in the cooler were tons of alcoholic and non-alcoholic options to choose from. The indoor seating was nice as it overlooks the Mississippi River, the perfect stop between seeing the aquarium and the insectarium.

Lots to say about the New Orleans Aquarium and Insectarium but honestly such an unexpected find on this trip. So many unique species, and interactive exhibits to explore and learn about these creatures. Whether you love all things animals like me or just need a rainy day activity, the New Orleans Aquarium and Insectarium is one for the bucket list! If you have any questions at all, comment below or send me an email at and I will get back to you as soon as I can!


Gluten Free In New Orleans

Hi Friends!

Exploring Gluten-Free Delights in The Big Easy | Gluten-Free New Orleans

There were tons of options when we were in New Orleans for gluten-free options and I wanted to make sure that they were all in one spot for you guys to reference when you need it! I also have a whole blog post for New Orleans Where to Eat, Stay and Play that I will link here for you guys if you want to check that out and get an idea of other things to do while you are in the city! Below are the spots worth sharing!

Where to Eat in New Orleans, Louisiana:

Deanie’s Seafood - This is where we went to dinner the first night we were here pretty much right after we got checked into the hotel. We were so hungry! They didn’t have a huge gluten-free menu but when I saw that they had gluten-free fried seafood I didn’t hesitate. For dinner, I got the fried catfish and a side of sweet potato fries, as you can see from the picture it was SO much freakin food. I feel like I didn’t even scratch the surface of eating everything on my plate. The portion was plenty for two so learn from my mistake! It was so yummy though. Dustin got the Jambalaya and was impressed, we both really liked our meals!

Exploring Gluten-Free Delights in The Big Easy | Gluten-Free New Orleans
Exploring Gluten-Free Delights in The Big Easy | Gluten-Free New Orleans
Experience the vibrant culture of New Orleans with our top recommendations for dining, accommodation, and activities. Don't miss out on the must-see spots in this lively city. Book your trip now!

Bons New Orleans Street Food - This place was so exciting to me that we ate here one day and had gluten-free beignets and then the second day we came back for breakfast and we both got the gluten-free chicken and waffles…. OHHHH my goodness those were killer. I loved the fried chicken so much! A 20/10 on the chicken and waffles, the gluten-free beignets were meh… Like I got them because they were gluten-free but they were pretty dense and had this weird spiced flavor to them, I would call them more like donuts. Dustin said that he liked the ones that were not gluten-free though and he would have those again.

Exploring Gluten-Free Delights in The Big Easy | Gluten-Free New Orleans
Exploring Gluten-Free Delights in The Big Easy | Gluten-Free New Orleans
Exploring Gluten-Free Delights in The Big Easy | Gluten-Free New Orleans

The Will and the Way - We actually stopped in here two different times on different days because we liked it so much! I had probably too many of the Saint Luke which was blueberry, basil, and black tea-infused vodka with lime and simple syrup… SO good, I want to recreate it at home! We also loved their Loaded Korean Hot Fries… OH MY GOSH, they were good! They were almost like a poutine style with kimchi, beef bulgogi, gochujang aioli, and peanuts… We had like three servings of these dang fries! 10/10 recommend this bar, it was our favorite!

Thaihey NOLA - After the steamboat ride, we were hungry but really wanted to head back to the hotel to warm up! We stopped at Thaihey and got an order to go. It was so good! For an appetizer we got an order of their chicken poppers which were like chicken nuggets tossed in a spicy green curry sauce, so good. And then we both got the same thing for dinner which was their soft shell crab pad Thai and that was also delicious both dishes were gluten-free and we liked them a lot! We probably could have eaten in the restaurant, it had a really cute vibe to it. We would eat here again!

Bars in New Orleans, Louisiana:

The Saddle Bar - This is the bar that we went to the first night we were here. There weren’t a ton of people in there but it was a Thursday night. Some groups would wander in and out but not consistently busy overall. It was a country bar which wasn’t usually our scene but they had games on some of the tables, beer pong, and a mechanical rooster so there was plenty of entertainment. The bartenders were nice and the drinks were good, we would go back!

The Will and the Way - see above for a more in-depth review but we loved this place!

The Pothole NOLA - I don’t feel like I have a good enough review for this bar. When we were in there we only had one drink, I got a Nutral, and Dustin had a Jack and Coke that he said was awful. The bartender was fine but seemed annoyed that we were there and it was just overall pretty boring. Again, it was the middle of the afternoon but it was a Saturday so I’m not sure, it could be more fun at other times of the day. Keep in mind there were other bars that we stopped into in the middle of the day that were more fun, so it just seemed like the bar was a dud.

Again, New Orleans was such a fun city to visit and it was filled with delicious gluten-free food options! If you have any questions at all, please comment below or send me an email at and I will get back to you asap!

Much Love, 



Drinking Around the World at Epcot: My Favorites

I think the best tip that I could give you guys is which drink I order in each country when I am drinking around the world at Epcot! I feel like when I used to Google which drink was the best I would get so many mixed suggestions, maybe that will feel like this for you guys too but maybe it will help! Here are my favorite drinks from each country and where you a find them! Keep in mind these are all gluten-free and because of that, there isn’t any beer or dark liquor in these drinks!

Join us on a magical journey through Epcot at Disney World and discover the top drink choices, handpicked by our experts. From classic cocktails to unique creations, satisfy your thirst and elevate your Disney experience with our insider tips. Don't
Join us on a magical journey through Epcot at Disney World and discover the top drink choices, handpicked by our experts. From classic cocktails to unique creations, satisfy your thirst and elevate your Disney experience with our insider tips. Don't

Mexico - I love the Spicy Mentirosa from La Cava del Tequila, this is technically an alcohol-free drink but I add tequila and it is literally SO SO delicious! It is made with Lyre’s Italian Orange, Lyre’s Dry London, lime juice, cucumber and jalapeño juice, agave nectar, and the rim is a hibiscus salt, so good, and then I added tequila!

Norway - Here I get the Troll Kreme which is at the cart right when you walk into Norway, it is a frozen vanilla and cranberry that is topped with Dragon Berry Rum and it’s yummy and cooling on a hot Florida day!

China - I always get the Kung Fu Punch, which is at the cart that is called Joy of Tea, it’s not inside the pavilion but right next to the little shop that is at the entrance to the China Pavilion. The drink includes vodka, triple sec, and then a combination of mango and orange juice!

Outpost - If I am being honest, I really can’t remember the last time I got a drink from here. I think there is beer which I can’t have and other than that I’m not sure what they offer. Next time I am there I will check it out in person and report back!

Germany - Here we like to go into the bar that is attached to the gift shop with ornaments called Weinkeller and get chocolate shots, it is in a small round bottle and it really just tastes like a shot of hot chocolate, it is so good! We have also gotten this bottle for the house, it is called Mozart Gold Chocolate Liqueur, we love it!

Italy - I usually grab a glass of wine when I am here, that isn’t super directive but I love red wine and it always tastes good coming off of the chocolate shot in Germany. I don’t think you can go wrong here with red, white or rose!

America - Here I usually just get an Angry Orchard from Regal Eagle Smokehouse, I know that is pretty boring but it’s safe and I know I can have it!

Japan - This drink can be kind of hit or miss for me, I get the Violet Sake from Garden House which is Japan’s outdoor Sake Bar, but sometimes it can be way too sweet. This drink has dry sake, ronin desert pear syrup, sweetened lime juice and water. If I am just casually drinking around the world I might skip it, if I am committed to the cause of drinking around the world haha this is what I will get! If you have any other suggestions though let me know what I should try.

Morocco - I go to the bar that is inside Spice Road Table and I always get the Pomegranate Acai! It has the acai blueberry pomegranate Vitaminwater, dragon berry rum, lime juice, agave, and soda water- so good! 10/10 recommend this one!

France - This seems like the most basic answer but I love the Grand Mariner Slush, it is at the booth called Les Vins des Chefs de France and its the orange slush that you will see most people carrying around! It is a slushy that has Grand Mariner, Rum, Grey Goose orange and orange juice in it and it is so dangerously delicious!

United Kingdom - This is another stop where my choice isn’t all that exciting but I love Strongbow and have a hard time finding it here in Florida aside from the United Kingdom pavilion at Epcot and the local British pub that we go to a lot. So my choice here is to stop into the Rose and Crown and get a glass of Strongbow!

Canada - I have never successfully found a gluten-free beverage in Canada unfortunately. I will always keep my eyes open but unfortunately, I’ve never had luck.

Join us on a magical journey through Epcot at Disney World and discover the top drink choices, handpicked by our experts. From classic cocktails to unique creations, satisfy your thirst and elevate your Disney experience with our insider tips. Don't
Join us on a magical journey through Epcot at Disney World and discover the top drink choices, handpicked by our experts. From classic cocktails to unique creations, satisfy your thirst and elevate your Disney experience with our insider tips. Don't

Hopefully, this will help you guys a little but I am always here to answer any questions that you have or advice on different Disney facts or suggestions for food or drinks! Please feel free to comment below with any questions that you might have or let me know if these tips worked for you and your trip to Disney!

Much Love,
