Plants I Ordered for our Apartment

I feel like I need to write the next sentence in all caps … I am no expert and I literally struggle to keep anything alive lol. But I keep telling myself that this time is going to be different! I WILL keep these ones alive! I did a little but of research to see which plants were easier to keep alive and then after I chose a few I figured out how often I needed to water them and what the upkeep was before I even purchased them.

All of the plants I ordered came from different shops on Etsy! I wanted to support small shops and I felt like they would be healthier. Kind of like when you used to buy goldfish from Walmart and they would die pretty quickly after. That was what was in my head when I bought them lol. Anyways, I chose three plants, four succulents and four air plants! All of them have lived at our house for well over a month and its going well so far! Update: Over the last week since I originally wrote this, one of the plants had a couple of the leaves turn brown… it turns out that I needed to water this one pretty much daily! So I messed that up. You can see in the photos. I am talking about the Ficus Esastica ‘tineke’.

But the other ones are all still alive and I water them all once a week on Thursday morning {I set a reoccurring alarm} and it has worked great! I am hoping once I do it enough I won’t have to keep the alarm it will just be like muscle memory. *shrugs shoulders*

Below are the plants that I bought, I will list them out here!

  1. Sanseveria Hunny Bunny Snake Plant

  2. Sedum Donkey Tail {succulent}

  3. Cassula String of Buttons {succulent}

  4. Echeveria “Lola” {succulent}

  5. Haworthia Limifolia var. Striata {succulent}

  6. Sanseveria Trifasciata Snake Plant - also called the Mother in Law’s Tongue

  7. Ficus Esastica ‘Tineke’

  8. Four Air Plants which are many different sizes, you can shop those here!

See the graphic below to see which name goes with which plant! | Plants I ordered for our Apartment | House Plants | Plants for Small Spaces | Succulents | Snake Plants | Apartment Plants

Now for the planters!

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |


I feel like this will definitely be a post/topic that I keep you guys updated on! I feel REAL invested in these plants lol. Do you guys have house plants?? Which ones?!