Latest Amazon Finds

Over the past couple of months I have found some pretty awesome stuff on amazon! This is probably the most random assortment of things but we’re just going to go with it. Lol

  1. Necklace Holder - After working at Francescas Collections for two year I defiantly acquired some necklaces and I never had a place to put them! This is so cute and works perfectly in our bathroom. I like the tray at the bottom for earrings as well!

  2. Foam Roller - I bought this after working out for a couple of weeks 😅, this thing saves my leg muscles! It lets me workout again the next day and not need to take breaks like I used to!

  3. Fabric Defuzzer - This thing is magical and I have extended the life of so many things in our apartment! Our bar stools are fabric and they get so pilly {is that even a word?!} and I am able to basically shave the chairs and they look new again! It also works on sweaters!

  4. Stasher Bags - I am a huge snacker, especially when I am in the zone working on something. But we don’t use plastic bags and our glass Tupperware gets really heavy in my bag so I wanted to find an alternative and I love these! I can even put them in the dishwasher!

  5. Collagen for Her - I am still testing this out but I like that there is no taste. I can put it in my protein shake or in my coffee in the morning. I have also read some info on it helping to recover muscles quicker {I am not a doctor obviously lol} but I think it has been helping!

  6. Corkcicle Water Bottle - I got this for Dustin for Christmas and he uses it every single day! He loves how much water it holds and he also likes that he can put his Mio in it and then the flavor doesn’t carry into the next drink. Like if he is drinking water next he doesn’t still taste the Mio flavor.

  7. Rechargable Lighter - I LOVE this thing! I hate lighting a candle with a regular lighter because of the flame and my lack of coordination which usually leads to me burning the crap out of my finger. But this thing is a life changer! Super easy and the charge lasts a long time!

  8. Defined Dish Cookbook - You guys. We have cooked from this cookbook 14 out of the 16 days that we have had it! Everything is so yummy and it makes dinner fun! We cook the meals together and we love the food! We aren’t doing Whole 30 but we love this book for the gluten free meals!

  9. Erase Your Face - I was SO skeptical of these when I first saw them but they are AMAZING. They take ALL of my makeup off with just water, like insane how well it takes my makeup off. No more makeup remover wipes! I literally get it wet with just water, remove my make up and then throw it into the washing machine and it works the same after washing it.

  10. Revlon Hair Dryer Brush - I got this for Christmas {Dustin and I celebrated a bit early this year} and I immediately turned around and Amazon Primed it to my mom as her Christmas gift! I love using it with my short hair, too!