My Recent Favorite Documentaries


This is a little different than my normal posts but I am loving documentaries lately and I just wanted to share some of my favorites with you guys! There are tons of different animals but I also have some others on the list that I am loving as well! I would love to know your guys’ favorites as well if you wanted to comment what they are below the post!

  1. America’s National Parks - This documentary is so neat, each episode is a deep look into each national Park throughout the United States. I really like the episodes on the Everglades and the Great Smoky Mountains!

  2. Secrets of the Whales - I have actually watched this one two times now, I watched it once by myself but then another time with Dustin because I loved it so much. They have four episodes but I love the one with the belugas! They take in a narwhal and it becomes a part of their pod which is so cool!

  3. Into the Grand Canyon - This one was a little different than what I usually watch but it’s about two friends that hike the 750 miles of the Grand Canyon and it was really cool to watch.

  4. Growing Up Animal - I loved this documentary, there are four episodes and each episode follows the journey of a baby animal. It’s really cool and I ended up learning more than I even know I could! Especially the episode about the bears!!

  5. Elephant - I watched this one for the first time at the beginning of quarantine and I think I have watched it over five times at this point. I love watching the baby elephant Jomo grow up, he’s literally the cutest. But it takes you through the elephant’s whole journey for a year and it is really fascinating!

  6. Baby Sharks - This is a newer one to me since Shark Week was about to start I figured this was a good place to start. You learn about a few different kinds of baby sharks and their first few months in the ocean! There are sharks in this documentary that I honestly didn’t even know were species. Defiantly a good one!

  7. Kingdom of the Mummies - Again, this isn’t the kind of documentary that I usually watch but Egypt is on the top of my bucket list and I wanted to learn something different. I learned SO much from this one and I love the people that are on the crew doing this research project as well, they are so smart!

  8. Secrets of the Zoo: Down Under - This documentary is more for entertainment but just takes you through the day-to-day lives and struggles of the people working at the zoo. They share different information and knowledge that the different veterinarians and technicians know about the animals, giving it a different perspective than you usually get.

  9. Wild Chile - I love this whole Wild series of documentaries but this one is probably my favorite. I think I like this one so much because it shares animals that aren’t usually taught about. It also talks about the different climates that are so close to one another in this area which just blows my mind.

  10. America the Beautiful - This is a newer documentary that came out and it is narrated by Michael B Jordan, he does an incredible job and I think it might be why I like this one so much! But it just shares a few different animal perspectives in each episode. Also, each episode is in a different area which is neat!

  11. Great Migrations - This is SUCH a fascinating series. Each episode just goes through the different reasons that animals have a migration pattern and then shares more about it. Things like breeding, eating, surviving, that kind of thing. Definitely cool to watch and it talks about a variety of different animals that have migration patterns!

  12. Wild Central America - This is another one in the Wild series that I really liked. I mainly liked this one because the first episode is on Costa Rica and that place is just incredible to me and I want to learn everything that I can about it! The other episode is on Guatemala and it was equally as cool as the Costa Rica episode was!