My favorite VIPKid Rewards by Level

When I first started with VIPKid I really only had a couple of rewards that I had to offer students. Which in my opinion is smart because you don’t really want to spend a ton on the job until you know if its for you or not! I started with ice cream cones that I made myself in canva and then printed and colored them myself. That was my only reward for the first month while I was still ramping up my bookings Then I found Teachers Pay Teachers and the Target dollar spot and my life was changed haha there was no going back! I bought a laminator and started printing free resources and rewards from Teachers Pay Teachers. Once I had some regular students I started learning more about them and what they were interested in!

I started with mainly level 2 and I think that’s why I have so many for this level! Then later on I taught more level 3s and then went on to get my level 4 and level 5 certifications! Now I mainly teach upper levels but its fun to pull out those level 2 rewards when I do teach them! Now I am just rambling but each level has the main age group and each age group likes different things!

A trick when you are looking for rewards or maybe something that you guys already know about is to look for rewards that have groups of five. This way you can give something new each time you will show a new reward. Remember that every student will be different and make sure to acknowledge their age before you choose a reward. For example, you might have an 8-year-old in level 4 or a 12-year-old in level 2. About 99.9% of the time I give my students a choice between two rewards and let them pick! It’s easy to learn what they like and it builds rapport with them!

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

There are so many free options to choose from and that makes it a lot easier to make a decision when I do want to spend money on a reward! What are your favorite rewards to use when you are teaching? I would love to know what resources you use or where you get them! Feel free to leave a comment below or send me an email at! | VIPKid Rewards | Rewards by Level | VIPKid | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5 | Teacher Pay Teachers | rewards for students

Gift Guide for the VIPKID Teacher

Gift Guide for the VIPKID Teacher

I have been a VIPKid teacher for about 3 months now and it is seriously the best job! I love teaching those kids so much. I plan to do a full blog post on my classroom must haves but that post won’t come until the new year. I wanted to share allllll of the adorable things that I have found that are specifically for VIPKid teachers {spoiler alert, there are SO MANY cute things}!

One thing that I wanted to add to this list that didn’t make it on the image for the gift guide is a Teachers Pay Teachers gift card! I get about 90% of my props and rewards from Teachers Pay Teachers and there are many props I would love to use but they cost money! If I had a gift card I could snag some of those props on my wishlist. I’m sure I’m not the only VIPKid teacher that feels this way! You can grab a gift card for your favorite teacher here.

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | | Gift Guide for the VIPKid Teacher | #giftguide #vipkidteacher #vipkidgifts #christmasideas.png