Andi Garbarino Fine Art

{throwback to my long hair!}

{throwback to my long hair!}

This is the last amazing small business that I want to share with you guys. I might bring this back after the holidays because it was a ton of fun! I have been talking about Andi’s collages for over a year now and if you’ve been around for a while you know I talk about her work a lot! last year around Thanksgiving I wrote a blog post called “5 Tips to Get Your Guest Bedroom Ready for Guests”, I shared some of her pieces in that post! In that blog post, I talk about how art makes a space feel warmer and inviting. I think that it can also be a great conversation starter. Especially with Andi’s collages, I seem to find something new in the art every time I look at them!

Below I chose just some of my favorites! She has so many beautiful options and it is so fun to watch her create them on Instagram! She likes to go live on Instagram to share what she is up to in her art studio. If you are active on Instagram you should 100% go follow her to stay up to date on her art pieces. She is also doing some research to get ready to do her enneagram series which is going to be AMAZING. So without further ado, here are some of my favorites!


You can use the code “TARYNINTOTRAVEL” for 15% off! You can head here to shop!

Like all of the other small business posts that I have shared, I hope you enjoyed this post! I really had a lot of fun finding some of my favorite pieces from Andi Garbarino, she has a ton more options on her website, leave here and head over to check out her site! This is going to be my last Small Business Saturday blog post for now but like I mentioned before, I would love to bring this back in January- maybe once a month or something! Let me know what your favorite piece of art is! You can always email me at or comment below and I will get back to you!

Main Street Tilly Ears | Shop Small Businesses | Main Street Tilly Ears | Small Shop | Etsy Shop | Disney Headbands

Main Street Tilly Ears has a VERY special place in my heart! Main Street Tilly Ears was the first thing that I EVER got on Instagram stories to share with you guys. I was so nervous, my heart was beating like crazy and I look back on those videos now and just think of how far I have come but we all started somewhere and it was with one of my favorite small shops!

I originally purchased a couple of headbands for a Disney trip we had planned. I think I ordered two of them and then ended up ordering three more before we left for that same trip! I started buying these so I didn’t wear ears to the parks each day we were on vacation. Mainly because ears can be heavy and I end up taking them off halfway through the day. Main Street Tilly Ears is the most perfect replacement, not only are they lightweight they are ADORABLE. There are so many prints so you don’t feel like you are missing out on the fun by not wearing ears. BUT you can also easily wear them at home! She sells a ton of neutral colors in addition to the fun Disney prints. I also did a roundup for her Halloween knotty bow headbands, you can read that here!

Especially for Christmas, she has a ton of prints that I want to highlight! There are some that are for the parks but also some that you can wear all throughout the month of December {or if you’re like me.. all of November as well}. Lol. I will share those below! Make sure you read to the bottom because she was sweet enough to give me a discount code for you guys!

Click here to shop! You can use code “TARYNINTOTRAVEL” to get 10% off at checkout!

I hope you enjoyed this post, I really had a lot of fun finding all of my favorite Christmas knotty headbands from Main Street Tilly Ears! I have plans to share one small business each Saturday until the middle of December and most of them have given me my own code to share with you guys! Let me know what your favorite is! You can always email me at or comment below and I will get back to you!