| ON THE EDGE OF NEVER - This book I took on the cruise with me! I was so excited to read it because it was a surprise present from Dustin. I really actually enjoyed it! Defiantly add it to your list of books to read soon! |
| THE FINDER ON DISNEY+ - Dustin and I watched like one of two episodes about 3 months ago of this spinoff that came from the show Bones {honestly, one of our favorites ever!} but after the first two episodes we just sort of forgot about it! Well, Dustin turned it on one night and we started loving it! It’s a little bit of mystery but more humor than anything, an easy show to watch for sure! |
| GROOVE RIDES WITH CODY RIGSBY - I know I have mentioned my love for different Peloton Rides before but I am really liking these quick groove rides with Cody Rigsby! He is motivating as hell and funny and just a good time! |
| JO & CO DISNEY NECKLACES - I had wanted a necklace from Jo & Co for so long, maybe even before we lived in Florida! But a couple of months back I decided to just try their necklace subscription to see what I got. The first necklace came and it was the cutest monorail necklace! The second one came and again, it was the cutest necklace except for this time it was the Epcot ball! I love both of them so much and I can’t wait for my next month’s subscription box!
| WELCOME TO EARTH ON DISNEY+ - A couple of weeks ago I was watching a show narrated by Michael B Jordan, I loved it so much that I decided to watch Welcome to Earth with Will Smith and it did not disappoint! It’s basically him going around to different places and experiencing the world, I love it- I think you guys will too! |