| POOL TIME WITH FRIENDS - We had friends in town over the holiday weekend and we heated the pool for the first time in SO long it was such a good time just hanging in the pool and relaxing! What did you guys do over the holiday weekend? Any fun plans? |
| DADDY DAYCARE ON NETFLIX - When we were in New York we ended up watching like A LOT of movies! We watched Daddy Daycare, this wasn’t new to us but it is SUCH a funny movie, I don’t know why it’s not a more common pick for us, I think going forward it will be! The cast is so good and seriously so funny! If you haven’t watched it in a while I definitely think that you should! |
| HOGWARTS LEGACY - Dustin has been playing Hogwarts Legacy over the last week or so and it’s been a lot of fun to watch the game! I’m not playing it and really don’t plan on it but this is a cool one to watch! I also like hanging out/watching when he plays Kingdom of Hearts with the Disney characters, it really only keeps my attention span when I know the characters or plot of the game! |
| WHERE OCEANS COLLIDE - I was scrolling on Disney+ the other night looking for a new documentary to watch and I found this one! I love learning about how ocean life and land interact so I thought this one would be really cool! It’s a little older from back in 2018 but sometimes I like when documentaries are a bit shorter, this one was only 45 minutes! |